I much enjoy coding and discovering new ways to do it. Throughout my research career I worked on several projects that required to produce original code I feel confident to share on my github. Here, I highlight some output:
From a shapefile to a shortest path algorithm + original delineation of cities in Africa. Coded in R.
Topics in Economics course
Create an original .html website for teaching purpose (Topics in Economics Bachelor class). It contains an introduction to R and some replication exercises.
Norway routes
Use a leaflet to visualize road itinaries between Norway main cities thanks to OSRM.
Geographical and sectoral crosswalk on French data
Using preexisting crosswalk, I create an exhaustive crosswalk between geographies from 1968 to 2022, with different layers of aggregation. For sector, I do it by hand between the sectoral classification before 2008 (NES 36) and after (NAF rev.2 A17).